Hey guys this is my first post. This will be about me and my best friend.

 Hey friends!! I’m excited to share my first post on my first blog, so don’t start judging me so quickly okay…. just joking.

Let me introduce you to my best friend. The Canon 1200D. I know its a beginners camera and all. But what it can do is as good as a professional level camera.


It came with a 50 – 250 mm lens and the standard 55 mm. Now the thing is the 250 mm is the one you can use for all types of photography but the 55 mm can be only used for portraits.



So something about me. I am currently pursuing photography as my core subject in college. I don’t like to stick to one type of photography forever. I THINK ITS A DRAG TO STICK TO JUST ONE TYPE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. But i’m not saying you should do the same. What i meant is you should learn one type of photography, practice it, perfect it and then use it for some time. Once you are thorough, move on to second. Again im not being pushy. You can stick to one type….no harm there. I do this because i love it. And ONCE YOU GET INTO THIS THERE IS NO STOPPING…. YOU NEVER STOP LEARNING UNTIL YOU GIVE UP THAT CAMERA BUT YOU KNOW YOUR BODY AND MIND WILL RESIST!!!

Never believe the fact that “A PHOTOGRAPHER IS ONLY AS GOOD AS HIS CAMERA”. Now i agree that a higher level camera does add that graphic finish to a click what entry level cameras cannot but that only counts as 30% of the image quality. The rest 70% is you pal. Your talent adds a fine touch to your click too.

But what am i to say. I’m just some amateur photographer ( you might not even call me that on your first time reading this ) blogging about whatever i know about cameras and photography. But the most beautiful thing about photography besides the mesmerizing photos that you can click is that photography does not define photographer. The photographer defines photography.

So that’s about it i guess. Until next time.